Tumblr érdekes linkek a világból (angolul)
2018. február 25. írta: Tumblr Miki

Tumblr érdekes linkek a világból (angolul)

Érdekes tumblr cikkek Budapest, Magyarországról


Ebben a cikkben bemutatjuk angol nyelven a tumblr oldal érdekességeit minta linkekkel.

Promoting on Tumblr is a Unique Experience

Promoting on Tumblr is a one of a kind involvement regarding blogging. Not at all like WordPress, you are conceivably associated with each and every individual who utilizes Tumblr. One of the ways this works is through the labeling framework. Each time you label a post, it will appear in that label when somebody scans for it. This conceivably prompts more supporters, likes, and reblogs. Labeling is the manner by which your substance gets saw on Tumblr, and it's your life saver in case you will utilize Tumblr to advance your business. Here are a few hints to get the greater part of out of the labeling framework while you're advertising on Tumblr.

Do: Really Zone In On What Your Content Is About

Labels make showcasing on Tumblr greatly simple since, it might be said, this is the site's worked in SEO. In case you're posting about your work with a noteworthy customer, in addition to the fact that you should label subjects that identify with what your business does, yet their business too. This will prompt potential customers from a similar field or industry.

Try not to: Get Overly Specific In Each Actual Tag

You need to keep your labels general. Why? The odds of somebody looking through the tag "biochemical designing" are substantially less likely than somebody experiencing the "science" tag. In any case, the favorable position to being so particular is that you won't have much rivalry. The drawback, then again, is that nobody may see it by any stretch of the imagination. On the off chance that you need to, you can add the two labels to the blend, yet remember you would prefer not to go hashtag insane.

Do: Use As Many Relevant Tags As You Can in tumblr.com

For instance, in case you're running a comic store you're unquestionably going to need to tag "funnies." But it would be useful and pertinent to you to label any comic organizations in case you're discussing new discharges and any celebrated characters you may say (Ironman, Batman, Superman, and so forth). Any significant idea, individual, or action ought to be labeled.

Try not to: Create A Wall of Tags

When you post something on Tumblr, all clients can see the labels you utilized on the post. Some Tumblr subjects demonstrate your labels when somebody's surfing through your blog. Nothing is more irritating than a post with more than ten or fifteen labels. There's no specific motivation behind why it irritates individuals, it simply does.

Do: Keep Track of What's Popular

The investigate page of Tumblr indicates what labels are prominent in the Tumblrsphere, monitor them. They remain entirely reliable (Tags like "LOL", "Form", "Workmanship" are dependably on the highest priority on the rundown), however continue checking on the off chance that something you present relates on one of those labels. Be that as it may, those labels are entirely soaked with content, so ensure your post emerge.

magyar tumblr oldalak angolul

Try not to: Post Content for the "Prominent Tags"

One target of web-based social networking promoting, including advertising on Tumblr, is to endeavor to catch what's happening right then and there. In any case, if your business isn't identified with any of the mainstream labels, don't attempt to post content that will endeavor to fit those labels.

On the off chance that you do, individuals will know your blog as the blog that posts interesting stuff or the blog that posts a considerable measure mold pictures, yet not precisely whom your organization is or what you do. On the off chance that you do have a tumblr blog for your business, I would recommend letting your hair down sometimes (or once every week) and post something clever, charming, or relatable. Not exclusively does that enable you to cooperate with clients on Tumblr, yet it demonstrates your organization can have a fabulous time (and that you're not all robots).

Once more, labels are the life saver of Tumblr, so they ought to be utilized astutely and constantly to market on tumblr. On the off chance that you do, you'll be remunerated at last.

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